Thursday, January 21, 2010

GIve a litte ...get a lot

Ever wonder why the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.
Why are you always struggling to meet ends. Why do you never have enough?
The answer lies in your motives and intentions both of which if not properly aligned will keep you in the poor house forever, no matter how much you make.

Have you ever seen someone and thought, man their living good! Why can't I live like that. What you don't see is the stuff in the background that led your secret admire to be at the place where he or she is.... I got a lot of nice things and niggas are jealous and they hate. But I didn't get to have what I have by being greedy and selfish or by obsessing over money. I got what I have because I give. That's right the secret to wealth and riches lies in something so very very simple .

Only When you open up your heart to give to others can you receive the spiritual blessings that this earthly plane can give you and don't give to someone who you think is struggling because then it becomes a bragging game, give to the person who you think has it all. The person your secretly hating on because giving isn't about who's so much as it is about you. You and your intentions.
Maybe the bible was right afterall when it informed us that it is far better for a person to give then to receive.

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